Turonian and Coniacian benthic foraminiferal abundance data of IODP Site 369-U1513

This dataset documents the results of a biostratigraphic assessment of the benthic foraminiferal record at International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1513 in the Mentelle Basin (southeast Indian Ocean, offshore western Australia), yielding a Turonian through Santonian deep water benthic foraminiferal assemblage. Predominantly calcareous deep water benthic foraminifera are recovered, whereas agglutinated benthic taxa show a rare occurrence and epifaunal benthic foraminifera make up ~50% of the total assemblage during the Turonian to Santonian. The most frequently recorded taxa are gavelinellids and gyroidinoids and according to taxa identified, we can inferr a distal, bathyal depositional environment. Two distinct benthic foraminiferal associations, the Gavelinella berthelini association and the Notoplanulina rakauroana association, were identified in the 160 m-thick succession, and together they yield over 190 taxa.
