Thermo-erosion gullies inventory of Nordenskiöld Land (Svalbard Archipelago)

We present a comprehensive inventory of thermo-erosion gullies (gullies developed in the Arctic and sub-Arctic areas) in Nordenskiöld Land (Svalbard Archipelago). We used the most recent orthophotos (5 x 5 m pixel size) acquired in 2009-2011 from the Web Map Services (WMS) of the Norwegian Polar Institute. The thermo-erosion gullies were identified and digitised on-screen as polygons in the WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_33N coordinate reference system. We identified a number of 908 thermo-erosion gullies, that will be used along with the thaw slumps inventory to provide the first multi-hazard predictive model in the Arctic.
