Measured SC02 U/Th isotope activity ratios, calculated ages and monte-carlo derived age error, and Oxcal deposition model U-Th ages and associated age error

U-Th ages were calculated using the initial detrital 230Th/232Th value of 111 ± 41 ppm, which was previously calculated for SC02 based on two isochrons measured in separate stalagmites from Secret Cave in Mulu (Carolin et al., 2013). A Matlab Monte Carlo script was used to calculated the absolute age and age errors associated with each U-Th sample using the 234U and 230Th half lives presented in Cheng et al. (2013). The Poisson-process deposition model feature in OxCal(v4.4) was used to interpolate between the eighteen U/Th ages to produce an age model (Bronk Ramsey, 2008; Bronk Ramsey and Lee, 2013).
