Raw physical oceanography and ocean current velocity data from mooring F4-19 in the Fram Strait, August 2019 - June 2021

Time-series data of physical oceanography, ocean current velocities and hydroacoustics were obtained from mooring F4-19 in the Fram Strait in August 2019 - June 2021 as part of the Helmholtz infrastructure program Frontiers in Arctic Marine Monitoring (FRAM) and the long-term monitoring program at AWI HAUSGARTEN. The mooring was deployed during RV POLARSTERN expedition PS121, and recovered during PS126. The attached archive contains raw data files of 7 Seabird SBE37 microcats (nominal depths: 76m, 153m, 253m, 402m, 502m,731m, 1204m; sampling interval 1h), four Seabird SBE56 temperature loggers (nominal depths: 53m, 102m, 203m, 323m; sampling interval 30s), one upward-looking RDI Workhorse 300kHz ADCP (nominal depth: 53m; sampling interval 1h), one upward-looking RDI Workhorse Longranger ADCP (depth: 382m; sampling interval 1h) and two Nortek Aquadopp current meters (nominal depths: 730m, 1205m; sampling interval 20min). The 300 kHz ADCP stopped recording after 3 months due to a battery failure. The mooring also included an ASL Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (nominal depth: 103m; data archived elsewhere) and a Develogic Sonovault (nominal depth: 800m; data archived elsewhere). Auxiliary information such as sensor calibration sheets, mooring diagrams and schedule files are also provided, if applicable.
