Microearthquake Phase Picks at the Knipovich Ridge 75.5-77.5N from 2016-09 till 2017-07
The dataset includes located earthquakes with origin time, location and magnitude and phase picks for P and S phases. The dataset consists of 11 months of seismicity data collected by 26 ocean bottom seismometers along around 160 km of the Knipovich Ridge rift axis. Earthquakes were detected using Lassie, automatically picked with PSPicker followed by manual re-picking. Location was performed using HYPOSAT. The dataset includes all events within the study area (75.5 – 77.2°N and 6.4205 - 8.0205°E) with at least 7 phase picks. Additionally, the length major half-axis of the error ellipse must not exceed 5 km, the depth is inverted with a depth error of maximum 5 km and the root-mean-square residual of the solution (RMS) is below 0.4 s.