Historical and projected (RCP8.5) temperatures and ice depths simulated with the Alfred Wegener Institute Earth System Model (AWI-ESM)

This dataset contains the results of a simulation using the global climate model AWI-ESM coupled with the interactive ice sheet model PISM. The simulation consists of a historical run (1850-2014) and a future scenario using the Representative Concentration Pathways scenarios RCP8.5. This scenario spans the years 2006-2100 and was prolonged to the year 2299 with fixed greenhouse gas concentrations. The variables provided are temperature at 2 meters above surface and ice depth. The data are used for a mathematical model to describe long-term changes in extreme temperatures (Contzen, Dickhaus and Lohmann, 2023). This dataset contains spatial data on a regular lon lat grid (0.5°x0.5° horizontal resolution) using monthly time steps. All files are in the NetCDF format.
