Integrated annual calcium carbonate production of planktic calcifiers in the North Pacific from the R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1712
This dataset compiles the estimates of annual CaCO3 production, including the upper and lower limits of the estimates, for the 4 planktic calcifying groups considered in the study, the pteropods (mg/m²/yr), the heteropods (mg/m²/yr), the foraminifers (mg/m²/yr) and the coccolithophores (mg/m²/yr). The estimates derived from the living standing stocks of these 4 groups of organisms collected in the North Pacific between Hawaii and the Gulf of Alaska during the R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1712 in August 2017. R code was used to calculate the integrated annual CaCO3 production for the different organisms, including the upper and lower limits (Gray, 2022).