Respiration, ingestion and egestion rates of copepods from the northern Humboldt Current System off Peru during Maria S. Merian cruise MSM80
Zooplankton metabolic processes play an important role in carbon budgets and fluxes of pelagic ecosystems. Respiration rates of several copepod species were determined to reveal their energy requirements and assess their significance in the carbon cycle. Respiration rates were measured by optode respirometry and allometrically based on body dry mass (DM). For the on-board measurements, a 10-channel optode respirometer (PreSens Precision Sensing Oxy-10 Mini) was used and experiments were run in gas-tight glass bottles (13-14 ml) filled with filtered seawater to reduce bias by microbial respiration. In addition, respiration rates for all dominant copepod species during MSM80 including copepodite stages C4 to C6 were determined based on individual DM and respective ambient temperatures after Bode et al. (2018). For that, individual DM, if not available from frozen specimens, was determined from formalin/Steedman-preserved samples by weighing the dried samples on a microbalance. Losses in body DM due to formalin/Steedman preservation were considered after Schukat et al. (2021). Respiration rates were calculated separately for the copepod family Eucalanidae (a) as they are rather sluggish while all other copepods exhibited normal activity (b). (a) lnRTF = -2.180 + 0.787 ln(DM) + 0.131T and (b) lnRAC = -0.890 + 0.646 ln(DM) + 0.094T, where R (μl O2 ind-1 h-1) is the individual respiration rate for eucalanid (RTF) and active (RAC) copepods, DM represents dry mass in mg and T the average temperature (°C) of the sampling interval. Respiration rates of the medium- to larger-sized copepods (female prosome length (PL) of 1.2-6.0 mm) were compared to those of "small copepods" (all copepods with female PL <1.1 mm and young stages). Medium- to larger-sized species ingested on average 13-212 mg C m-2 d-1 in coastal regions while "small copepods" on average consumed 118-328 mg C m-2 d-1. The potential egestion varied on average from 5-64 mg C m-2 d-1 for medium to larger-sized copepods and 35-98 mg C m-2 d-1 for "small copepods". Data of energy demands, consumption and egestion rates of copepod species differing in size are essential to improve carbon budgets and food-web models in the Humboldt Current System.