Soil NOx measurements at Cataract Scout Park, Australia, taken during the COALA-2020 campaign
Measurements of soil NOx were collected using Lancaster University Dynamic Soil Chambers (LU-DySCs) combined NOx analysers (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, 42i). Measured variables included nitric oxide (NO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). Measurements were taken at Cataract Scout Park, Appin, N.S.W. (34°14'42.29S 150°49'24.97E) as part of the Characterising Organics and Aerosol Loading over Australia (COALA-2020) campaign. The soil chambers were located ~100m away from the main observatory, under the Eucalyptus tree. Both sample chamber and reference chambers were simultaneously collected the NOx mixing ratio by seperate NOx analysers. Four soil collars were installed, two collars were no litter (NL) on the soil and the other two collars were litter on the soil (WL). Measurements are available from February 24 to March 23, 2020. Reported measurements are at 1-minute time resolution.