Physical property data form the Wanihama section and the Khan Sahib section in Kashmir/India

Samples were taken in 2019 at the Wanihama loess-paleosol sequence to (a) assess the physical properties of loess-paleosol sequences in Kashmir, and to specifically test their value for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Due to the availability of other dated loess sections in the direct surrounding of Wanihama that exhibit a similar stratigraphy, we assume the record to originate from the last glacial cycle. The multi-proxy dataset contains magnetic susceptibility data measured at two frequencies (505, 5050 Hz), their difference and the frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility. We performed these measurements by using a MAGNON VFSM. Further, we gathered photospectrometric and grain size data using a Konica Minolta CM 700d spectrophotometer, and a Beckman-Coulter LS 13320 PIDS Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer.
