Dataset Groups Activity Stream Carbon isotopic compositions of brGDGTs and brGMGTs, TOC, and TLE in Sebangau peats and Morwell lignites BibTex: @dataset{Elling_Felix_J_and_Kattein_Laura_and_Naafs_Bernhard_David_A_and_Lauretano_Vittoria_and_Pearson_Ann_2023, author = {Elling, Felix J and Kattein, Laura and Naafs, Bernhard David A and Lauretano, Vittoria and Pearson, Ann}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.954300}, institution = {PANGAEA (Paleontology)}, keyword = {'Bacteria', 'Compound', 'brGDGT', 'lignite', 'lipids', 'peat', 'specific carbon isotopes'}, title = {Carbon isotopic compositions of brGDGTs and brGMGTs, TOC, and TLE in Sebangau peats and Morwell lignites}, url = {}, year = {2023} }