Ground layer above-ground biomass of 20 sites of Yakutia from 2018 - Raw data of fresh weight and dry weight for each sub-ground vegetation type sampling plot

Field investigations were performed selecting locations to include the variety of present boreal forest stands between 113-130 °E, eastwards of the city Yaktusk until westernmost sites close to Lake Khamra. To provide a full assessment of the current state of aboveground biomass the ground vegetation layer was additionally sampled. Fifteen-meter radius sample plots (sites) were demarcated in the most homogeneous locations. Heterogeneity was accommodated by roughly assorting vegetation into one to two vegetation types per sampling plot. Within each area of roughly estimated vegetation types we selected one 0.5 x 0.5 m subplot for representative ground-layer above-ground biomass (ABG) harvesting (major taxa and other). For moss and lichen AGB harvesting inside 0.5 x 0.5 m subplots representative 0.1 x 0.1 m subplots were chosen. All ground-layer vegetation AGB assessments were calculated for the fifteen-meter radius plot in g/m² for each sample plot. The present trees and tree-shape growing shrub species were included only up to heights of <40 cm. This dataset contains the raw data of fresh weight and dry weight for each sub-ground vegetation type sampling plot.
