Dataset Groups Activity Stream Pollen record from all samples from Rother Maar core RM2 BibTex: @dataset{Sirocko_Frank_and_Albert_Johannes_and_Britzius_Sarah_and_Dreher_Frank_and_Martínez-García_Alfredo_and_Dosseto_Anthony_and_Burger_Joachim_and_Terberger_Thomas_and_Haug_Gerald_H_and_Dreher_Wolfgang_2024, author = {Sirocko, Frank and Albert, Johannes and Britzius, Sarah and Dreher, Frank and Martínez-García, Alfredo and Dosseto, Anthony and Burger, Joachim and Terberger, Thomas and Haug, Gerald H and Dreher, Wolfgang}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.954733}, institution = {PANGAEA (Paleontology)}, keyword = {'Central Europe', 'Marine Isotope Stage 3', 'lake sediments', 'megafauna'}, month = {nov}, title = {Pollen record from all samples from Rother Maar core RM2}, url = {}, year = {2024} }