Bulk mineral assemblage of sediment cores from Svalbard fjords determined via full pattern QXRD

The XRD data has been gained from pulverized and homogenized samples of every 5 cm by KOPRI personal at KOPRI and University of Tromsoe sampling parties. XRD raw measurements were run at Crystallography, Geosciences, University of Bremen in 2018-2020. Measurement conditions: Philips X'Pert Diffractometer, Cu radiation, fixed divergence, secoundary Ni filter, 3-85 ° 2theta, 0.0016° step size, 100 sec calculated step time. XRD mineral assemblage determination were subsequently gained through the QUAX full pattern quantitative determination software (see Vogt et al. 2002 at Pangaea methods wiki). The software allows for differentiation of all minerals. Here, the Fe-oxides and hydroxides were in the focus of the research manuscript. A QXRD investigation allows for not only identification of mineral content but also for detailing authigenic vs. allochthonous minerals, transport of detrital input to the sediment core and the interpretation of the transport processes and the local environment as well as the paleoceanographic reconstruction of the region. Sediment ages are given through the below mentioned data sets. A series of fjord surface sediments were collected from various Svalbard fjord systems during expeditions of RV Helmer Hanssen from UiT The Arctic University of Norway between 2012 and 2019 (Fig. 1). Four gravity cores were retrieved along a 150 km long N‒S transect from the continental shelf off northern Svalbard to the innermost Wijdefjorden: core HH17-1085-GC (hereafter 1085; 80.27°N, 16.21°E, 322 m water depth; continental shelf), HH17-1094-GC (hereafter 1094; 79.74°N, 15.42°E, 148 m water depth; fjord mouth), HH17-1100-GC (hereafter 1100; 79.30°N, 15.78°E, 112 m water depth; central fjord), and HH17-1106-GC (hereafter 1106; 79.00°N, 16.21°E, 160 m water depth; inner fjord)
