Summary of physical oceanography during RV BIPO INAPESCA cruise along the west coast of Baja California peninsula (July-September 2014)
Depth, temperature, and conductivity were recorded with a SeaBird SB11 CTD equipped with a Seabird-43 Dissolved Oxygen sensor during a RV Bipo Inapesca cruise between 15th July and 5th September 2014. The net primary production (NPP; mg C·m−2·d−1) was downloaded from the Ocean Productivity website of the Oregon State University (, obtained from remote sensor with a spatial resolution of 9x9 km and processed using the Vertical Generalized Production Model (VGPM). The minimum oxygen depth was considered as the depth where the dissolved oxygen concentration is less than 0.5 ml·l−1 and the mixed layer depth (MLD) was calculated from field data by a 2-layer model. The wet volume of zooplankton of each sample was estimated according to the method of displaced volume.