Cenomanian/Turonian benthic foraminiferal abundance data of IODP Site U1516, Mentelle Basin, Indian Ocean
This dataset documents benthic foraminiferal assemblage data of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 369 Site U1516 during the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2) in the southern high latitudes (absolute abundance in the 125-300μm fraction). Benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate a distal, outer neritic to upper bathyal depositional environment. The record of the OAE 2 is characterized by an interval of low carbonate content which involves a prominent positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE). Benthic foraminiferal data documented in this dataset present assemblage changes during the pre OAE 2 (478.5 m - 475.12 m), pre max-CIE (474.38 m – 471.12 m), low CaCO3 (470.36 m – 467.96 m), and post low CaCO3 intervals (467.27 m – 459.72 m). During the pre OAE2 and pre max-CIE intervals, calcareous deep-water gavelinellids, lingulogavelinellids and gyroidinids are dominant. The low CaCO3 interval records a decline in benthic foraminiferal abundance and the post low CaCO3 interval is characterized by a distinct repopulation event.