Chemical composition of a manganese nodule sample from the MN7601-PLEIADES campaign (R/V Melville)
The authors have selected for analysis a manganese nodule from Station 20 of the PLEIADES Mn7601 campaign. This "apple" shaped nodule (6.5x3.0 cm) was laying on a bed of siliceous ooze (see illustrations). Successive thin layers of the nodule were carefully scraped from the surface of the measured area with a sharp surgical blade. All samples reduced to powder were air-dried at 110°C for at least two hours before analysis. The chemical composition of (1) the top 3-5 mm, (2) the bottom 3-5 mm, and (3) the bulk nodule from a section of Mn7601-20-2 adjacent to the portion used for the radiochemical studies was determined by atomic absorption and neutron activation analysis.