Dataset Groups Activity Stream Bulk-sediment major elements and REY contents of samples from the Pacific BibTex: @dataset{Liao_Jianlin_and_Chen_Jieyun_and_Sun_Xiaoming_and_Deng_Yinan_and_Wang_Yanjingyu_and_Wang_Dajin_and_Hong_Gang_and_Klose_Lukas_and_Koschinsky_Andrea_2023, author = {Liao, Jianlin and Chen, Jieyun and Sun, Xiaoming and Deng, Yinan and Wang, Yanjingyu and Wang, Dajin and Hong, Gang and Klose, Lukas and Koschinsky, Andrea}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.961159}, institution = {PANGAEA (Chemistry)}, keyword = {'Gravity core', 'Pacific', 'Rare earth elements and yttrium', 'Sequential extraction'}, title = {Bulk-sediment major elements and REY contents of samples from the Pacific}, url = {}, year = {2023} }