Dataset Groups Activity Stream Pollen counts of early Eocene strata in the Xining Basin, China BibTex: @dataset{Meijer_Niels_and_Licht_Alexis_and_Woutersen_Amber_and_Hoorn_Carina_and_Robin-Champigneul_Faez_and_Rohrmann_Alexander_and_Tagliavento_Mattia_and_Brugger_Julia_and_Kelemen_Fanni_D_and_Schauer_Andrew_J_and_Hren_Michael_T_and_Sun_Aijun_and_Fiebig_Jens_and_Mulch_Andreas_and_Dupont-Nivet_Guillaume_2024, author = {Meijer, Niels and Licht, Alexis and Woutersen, Amber and Hoorn, Carina and Robin-Champigneul, Faez and Rohrmann, Alexander and Tagliavento, Mattia and Brugger, Julia and Kelemen, Fanni D and Schauer, Andrew J and Hren, Michael T and Sun, Aijun and Fiebig, Jens and Mulch, Andreas and Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.962889}, institution = {PANGAEA (Geophysics)}, keyword = {'Bulk organic geochemistry', 'Clumped isotope thermometry', 'Plant wax', 'XRD', 'palynology', 'pedogenic carbonate', 'stable isotope geochemistry'}, title = {Pollen counts of early Eocene strata in the Xining Basin, China}, url = {}, year = {2024} }