Internal reflecting horizon 1 in the Dome C region of Antarctica

This dataset consists of radar IRHs (internal reflecting horizons) which were traced across ice-penetrating radar surveys conducted between 2016 and 2018 over the Dome C region of the East Antarctic Plateau. The dataset is associated with the publication Chung et al. (2023). The data was collected during two radar surveys conducted in the Antarctic field seasons of 2016-17 and 2017-18 using the sledge-borne DEep LOoking Radio Echo Sounder (DELORES) from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). The surveys covered two areas around Dome C which were identified as potential drill sites for the Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice drilling project - Little Dome C (LDC) and North Patch (NP). The LDC area is covered by a dense network of 116 radar transects, mostly organised as a grid, with denser data acquisition in areas of particular interest. At NP a grid of 21 radar transects were collected, covering an area of approximately 5×5 km^2. In this radar dataset, 20 IRHs and the ice-bed interface were manually traced, using the Petrel E&P Software Platform by Schlumberger. A single file for each IRH is provided in a .txt file, tab separated format with both two-way travel time and depth. The conversion done using c = 0.1685 m/us and firn correction of 10 m. The 20 IRHs are provided at 5 m along-track resolution.
