Dataset Groups Activity Stream Relative abundances of planktic foraminiferal taxa across the early Eocene interval at ODP Sites 198-1209 (Table S4) BibTex: @dataset{Filippi_Giulia_and_Barrett_Ruby_and_Schmidt_Daniela_N_and_D'Onofrio_Roberta_and_Westerhold_Thomas_and_Brombin_Valentina_and_Luciani_Valeria_2024, author = {Filippi, Giulia and Barrett, Ruby and Schmidt, Daniela N and D'Onofrio, Roberta and Westerhold, Thomas and Brombin, Valentina and Luciani, Valeria}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.964024}, institution = {PANGAEA (Paleontology)}, keyword = {'Early Eocene Climatic Optimum EECO', 'Planktic foraminifera test', 'Shatsky Rise', 'planktic foraminifera assemblage', 'size'}, title = {Relative abundances of planktic foraminiferal taxa across the early Eocene interval at ODP Sites 198-1209 (Table S4)}, url = {}, year = {2024} }