Tuned SiO2/CaO ratios of the Devonian Kellwasser Crisis interval (ca. 372 Ma) at Winsenberg, Germany

A total of 556 samples (3 cm average sample spacing) were collected from the 12 m long Winsenberg section in order to reconstruct a floating timescale using cyclostratigraphic methods and to investigate paleoclimatic dynamics using selected elemental ratios. Samples were measured as a powder covered with Chemplex film on a Bruker S1 Titan 800 portable XRF at the University of Münster with the following settings: 40 kV, 20 mA, no filters, 75 s. Spectra were deconvoluted in Bruker Artrax software, and linearly calibrated using a set of 10 sedimentary standards of known composition and 11 calcite-quart mixtures. The composition of these standards is also included. Selected elemental ratios were tuned via the methods described in the accompanying manuscript, and are included in this dataset as well.
