Late Cretaceous benthic foraminiferal counts at Shatsky Rise

This dataset contains benthic foraminiferal population counts for ODP Leg 198, Sites 1209 and 1210 at Shatsky Rise (NW Pacific Ocean) from the late Campanian to early Danian. Other biogenic information includes inoceramid prism counts and ostracod counts. A minimum of 300 benthic specimens on the greater than 125 µm size fraction, along with other biogenics in the sample, were picked for a given split of the sample. The purpose of this dataset is so the assemblage record can be compared to stable carbon and oxygen isotopes as well as neodymium isotopes from the region to assess the relationship between changes in water mass properties and benthic foraminifera. This is done by using an R-package where Q-mode cluster analysis is applied to the percent abundance of benthic species that looks at the relationship of species among the samples.
