Dataset Groups Activity Stream Assigned molecular formulae and normalized intensities of measured samples from the Guaymas Basin BibTex: @dataset{Brünjes_Jonas_and_Schubotz_Florence_and_Teske_Andreas_P_and_Seidel_Michael_2024, author = {Brünjes, Jonas and Schubotz, Florence and Teske, Andreas P and Seidel, Michael}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.966639}, institution = {PANGAEA (Oceans)}, keyword = {'Dissolved Organic Matter', 'FT', 'ICR', 'MS', 'Oil seeps', 'PARAFAC', 'deep sea sediment', 'hydrothermal activity', 'porewater', 'sulfurization'}, month = {nov}, title = {Assigned molecular formulae and normalized intensities of measured samples from the Guaymas Basin}, url = {}, year = {2024} }