Benthic megafauna abundance from Norfolk and Baltimore Canyons chemosynthetic environments
This dataset provides data on the abundance of benthic megafauna recorded in ROV dives at a relatively shallow (400 m water depth) site near Baltimore Canyon (BC) and a much deeper site (1,500 m) near Norfolk Canyon (NC), in the northwest Atlantic. Abundance of benthic megafauna was based on the analysis of 2075 high-quality images collected during dives at the Norfolk and Baltimore Canyons. The date, time, longitude, latitude and depth of where each image was collected are given. The type of macrohabitat encountered in each image (i.e. (i) sand-mud, (ii) sand mixed with dead mussels, (iii) sand with dead and live mussels, (iv) mixed hard-soft, (v) mixed hard-soft with dead mussels, (vi) mixed hard-soft with live mussels, (vii) mixed hard-soft with dead and live mussels) is also given.