Dataset Groups Activity Stream Hourly automatic weather station data collected at station S23, on Zachariae Isstrøm, Northeast-Greenland (2016-2020) BibTex: @dataset{Van_Tiggelen_Maurice_and_Smeets_Paul_C_J_P_and_Tijm-Reijmer_Carleen_H_and_Khan_Shfaqat_Abbas_and_Rignot_Eric_and_van_den_Broeke_Michiel_R_2024, author = {Van Tiggelen, Maurice and Smeets, Paul C J P and Tijm-Reijmer, Carleen H and Khan, Shfaqat Abbas and Rignot, Eric and van den Broeke, Michiel R}, doi = {10.1594/PANGAEA.969631}, institution = {PANGAEA (Land Surface)}, keyword = {'Greenland', 'Helheim', 'Zachari Isstrm', 'automatic weather station', 'firn aquifer'}, title = {Hourly automatic weather station data collected at station S23, on Zachariae Isstrøm, Northeast-Greenland (2016-2020)}, url = {}, year = {2024} }