Nonlinear Mapping (NLM) analysis of IRD content in Heinrich Event layers (H1-H6) and interlayers (I1-I5) of sediment core GeoB18530-1
This 3D data set represents the result of a Sammon projection (Sammon, 1969;, where the mean relative proportions of all classified IRD lithologies for layers H1-H6 and IL1-IL5 were scaled down from the 22-dimensional parameter space into a presentable 3D space with the least possible change of point-to-point distance by Non-Linear Mapping (NLM). The spatial configuration depicted in Figure 9d of the associated publication (Bukar et al., 2024) visualizes the overriding compositional distinctiveness of Heinrich layers from Interlayers, but also the variability within each of these periods; in particular layers H3 and H6 as well as Last Glacial maximum interlayer I1 differ considerably from comparable situations.