Bulk rock magnetic property records of sediment core GeoB18530-1
Standard remanence-based dry-bulk rock magnetic parameters were determined in 2.3 cm steps along core GeoB18530-1 using an automated 2G Enterprises 755R DC SQUID Magnetometer with built-in AF, DC and pulse coils. The 6.2 cm³ large cube samples were measured in water-saturated state and subsequently dried and weighed in order to convert their magnetic moments to dry-mass-specific remanent magnetization, thereby eliminating the magnetic impact of porosity variations. The herein published data for IRM_20mT, IRM_100mT, ARM_100mT, HIRM, SIRM/χ and S_0.3T are diagnostic for magnetic mineral composition and were selected from a much larger raw data series based on 28 pulse field steps from 10 mT to 2.7 T. The chosen core depth range from 4.88 m to 10.60 m includes six Heinrich Event Layers and their surrounding interlayers.