Uptake, potential biotransformation and depuration of TNT in exposed blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.)
The uptake, potential biotransformation and depuration time of dissolved TNT in mussels were investigated by two laboratory experiments using common blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) originating from the Island of Sylt/German North Sea. The first experiment was conducted in July 2020 and the second in February 2022 in the laboratory of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven. Mussels were exposed to different TNT concentrations over defined periods of time (first experiment: 48 hours exposure to 4 different TNT concentrations; 0 mg/l, 0.625 mg/l, 1.25 mg/l and 2.5 mg/l, second experiment: 24 hours exposure to 0 mg/l and 5 mg/l deuterated TNT) followed by recovery phase in clean artificial seawater (first experiment: 60 hours recovery, second experiment: 12 hours recovery). Aquaria water and mussel tissues were sampled from both exposure and recovery phases and analysed for TNT and its metabolites for treatment and control groups. The analysis of TNT and its metabolites 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene (2-ADNT), 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene (4-ADNT) and 2,4-diamino-6-nitrotoluene (2,4-DANT) were conducted by using GC-MS/MS techniques.