Carbonate system parameters (pHtot, Total Alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon), salinity, nutrients, in situ sensor-based measurements of temperature and depth collected from Bedford Basin/Halifax Harbour for the period of January to August 2023
Discrete water sample data of carbonate system parameters (pHtot, Total Alkalinity, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon), salinity, and nutrients, and in situ sensor-based measurements of temperature and depth were collected from Bedford Basin/Halifax Harbour for the period of January to August 2023. The samples were collected at five locations throughout the basin/harbour: Tuft's Cove (44.6732, -63.5951), MacKay Bridge (44.6772, -63.6143), DRDC Barge (44.6855, -63.6509), Sackville River (44.7181, -63.6681), and McNabbs Island (44.6163, -63.5466). All discrete water sampling was conducted onboard the Eastcom dive boat using a Niskin bottle lowered into the water from the side of the vessel. All in situ sensor-based measurements were conducted onboard the Eastcom dive boat using a sensor package attached to the Niskin bottle.