Sex-specific physiological responses of recovering F2 individuals following parental (F1) exposure to the isolated and combined effect of hypoxia and marine heatwave events in the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa

Specimens (F1) of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were exposed for five days under laboratory conditions to the isolated or combined effects of hypoxia and a marine heatwave. Then, their offspring (F2) were returned to control conditions (C: 18 °C, 100 % O₂ sat.) for the rest of their life cycle to simulate a recovery period. This dataset compiles all morphological and physiological measurements, namely routine metabolic oxygen consumption rates (µmol h⁻¹ and µmol mg⁻¹ h⁻¹), upper thermal limit (°C) as well as length (mm) and dry weight (µg) of recovering F2 adults following parental exposure to the isolated and combined effects of hypoxia and a marine heatwave.
