Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean
Compiled proxy data records from different source water regions in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean. Data span the last 25 ka BP, comprise benthic stable carbon isotopes, (d13Cb), benthic stable oxygen isotopes (d18Ob), carbonate ion concentration from B/Ca measurements in benthic foraminifera shells, the radiogenic neodymium isotopic signature of the authigenic sediment fraction (eNd), and benthic - atmosphere radiocarbon age offsets (radage_batm) as proxies, and cover the source regions of different water masses (WM): Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), Arctic Mediterranean Water (AMW, the precursor of lower North Atlantic Deep Water), Pacific Deep Water (PDW), and upper North Atlantic Deep Water (u-NADW). d18Ob_ivc and d18Ob_ivc_corr are the stable oxygen isotope data in per mil corrected for, respectively, global ice volume changes (using the sea level curve of Grant, K. M. et al. Nature 491, 744–747 (2012)), and additionally corrected for the offset in the Late Holocene data and our estimated theoretical local d18Ob signature. Data column type indicates the source of the data, which is different sediment fractions and extraction methods for eNd data, smoothed estimates from multiple sites for radiocarbon data, and a smoothed and corrected record from Site U1302 for eNd. The original publications from which the data were used are given in the data column citation_long.