Physical oceanography during RV Sarmiento de Gamboa cruise iMirabilis2 in Cabo Verde

The main objectives of the physical oceanography contribution during the multidisciplinary iMirabilis2 expedition were to characterize the hydrographic conditions and to determine the water mass distribution in order to find its role on the spatial and vertical distribution of the benthic organism in the area of Cabo Verde. In order to achieve the planned objectives 22 CTD cast were performed. Especial attention was put on the characterization of the Cadamosto seamount. In each of the hydrographic stations, a SBE9 s/n 0851 CTD, working at 24 Hz, coupled with a SBE11 (deck Unit) and a SBE 33, with 24 bottles of 12 liters, was lowered at less than 50 m/min. The SBE911 was equipped, among others, with dual temperature, conductivity (salinity) and oxygen sensors.
