Redispatch data germany 2015-2017
Abstract: Redispatch is used very frequently to cure congestion in the German grid. It describes the action of shutting down generation in front of a transmission grid congestion and ramping up generation behind the congestion. It is therefore of great importance to examine why redispatch is used and which patterns exist in the use of redispatch by certain grid operators. The published data is provided publicly by the German TSOs.
This data is part of a larger data set on congestion in the German electricity grids from 2015 to 2017. The related datasets are referenced below.
The publication of this data set was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the Research Training Group GRK 2153: Energy Status Data - Informatics Methods for its Collection, Analysis and Exploitation.
TechnicalRemarks: The data uses the separator "None". It is the original data set which was downloaded at
Be careful that the data uses German encoding ("utf-8", "ISO-8859-1") as well as German date format (dd/mm/yyyy). The data set has the following columns (original name / english translation):
- BEGINN_DATUM (Starting Date)
- BEGINN_UHRZEIT (Starting daytime)
- ENDE_DATUM (Ending date)
- ENDE_UHRZEIT (Ending daytime)
- NETZREGION (grid region)
- GRUND_DER_MASSNAHME (Reason for redispatch)
- RICHTUNG (direction of redispatch)
- MITTLERE_LEISTUNG_MW (mean power in MW)
- GESAMTE_ARBEIT (total power over time in MWh)
- BETROFFENE_ANLAGE (affected generation unit)
- Redispatch_KW (redispatched generation unit)