Supplemental material to the swj journal submission "characteristic sets profile feature: estimation and application to sparql query planning"

TechnicalRemarks: # Readme This archive contains the experimental results for the SWJ Paper. Large Files and subdirectories are zipped. Raw data includes tab-separated files (.tsv) and JSON (.json) files.


  • statistical_similarity_measures_per_sample: Statistical Similarity Measures aggregated on the level of Samples.
  • structural_similarity_measures_per_sample: Structural Similarity Measures aggregated on the level of Samples.
  • fedbench_datasets_statistics: General Statistics of the datasets from FedBench used in the experiments.
  • characteristic_sets_all_samples: All individual characteristic sets obtained from the samples.
  • fedbench_results_complete: All evaluation metrics for all FedBench Queries per CSPF from each sample. Aggregated similarity measures are included as well.
  • cspf_statistics: Directory containing all estimated (and complete) CSPF estimations used by the Query Planner
