Research data to the article "measurement of the filling degree and droplet size of individual double emulsion droplets using raman technologies"
Abstract: Double emulsions arouse great interest in various industries due to their ability to encapsulate value-adding ingredients. However, they tend to be unstable due to their complex structure. Several measurement techniques have already been developed to study and monitor the stability of double emulsions. Especially for the measurement of the filling degree of double emulsions, there is no reliable measuring method available so far. In this paper, a measurement system is presented that can measure the filling degree of W/O/W – double emulsions both spectrometrically and pho-tometrically. It is based on the Raman effect, does not require any sample preparation and the measurement has no negative influence on the double emulsion. It is shown that both spectrometric and photometric Raman techniques can reliably distinguish between double emulsions with filling degrees of 0,5 % difference. Additionally, oil droplet sizes can be measured photometrically. Furthermore, the measurement system can be integrated into emulsification processes both in- and online.
TechnicalRemarks: There are four different files:
1. "Droplet size distribution"
This file contains the data of the droplet size distribution measurements of the inner emulsions as well as Fig. 3
"Fig. 2"
This file contains the data of the spectra of the individual double emulsion phases as well as the diagram shown in Fig. 2
This file contains all photometric data.
Tab "Diagram Filling degree" --> Fig. 6
Tab " Diagram Droplet size" --> Fig. 7
Tab " Diagram Droplet size distribution" --> Fig. 8
Tab " Summary" Summary of all experiments/measured filling degrees
Tab "0% ... 40%" evaluated data of all photometric measurements
Tab "Rohdatenpython": A phython programm imports the spectroscopic data from txt.files to excel (simple copy&paste)
Tab "Rohdaten": Data are copied from Rohdatenphyton to this tab. Negative wavenumbers (-88 till -1) are deleted
Tab "Evaluation": Baseline correction of each measurement and calculation of the filling degrees
Tab "Diagram_Spektren": Fig. 4
Tab "Diagram_Linearität": Fig. 5