Results for the different parameter tests of the developed rl agents in the dissertation

TechnicalRemarks: Different data bases with the simulation results. For the single supply chain location there exist the following data bases: - State1.db contains the result for the original data set - State1_Baseline.db contains the results for the amplified data sets and the baseline model - State1_Adaptive.db contains the results for the amplified data sets and the adaptive model - State2.db contains the results for the original and amplified data sets and the adaptive+cost model - SQ.db contains the results for the original and amplified data sets and the (s, q) policy

For the supply chain with three nodes there exist the following data bases: - SC3N_Central.db contains the result for the original and amplified data set of the central model - SC3N_Decentral.db contains the result for the original and amplified data set of the decentral model
