Datasets to phd thesis: assessing the potential of cirrus cloud thinning through cloud chamber experiments and parcel model simulations

Abstract: The provided dataset includes all relevant data to comprehend and reproduce the PhD work of Tobias Schorr with the title "Assessing the Potential of Cirrus Cloud Thinning through Cloud Chamber Experiments and Parcel Model Simulations" (DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000168905).

The AIDA cloud chamber data contains a unique experimental investigation of the competition between homogeneous and heterogeneous freezing at cirrus conditions (< 230 K).

The climate engineering concept of "cirrus cloud thinning" (CCT) is modeled with the box model MAID and the initialization files as well as result summary tables are provided within the dataset. TechnicalRemarks: The contained files and their handling is closer explained in the file The file also contains links to the remote git repositories of the microphysical box model MAID, as well as to the analysis software of the AIDA cloud chamber data.
