Chemistry-climate model results of nitric oxide for the heppaiii intercomparison experiment on electron precipitation impacts

Abstract: Model results of nitric oxide (NO) and temperature (T) from the four chemistry-climate models WACCM, HAMMONIA, EMAC, and KASIMA within the Heppa III intercomparison experiment on electron precipitation impacts, derived as part of activities of the SPARC Solaris-Heppa working group 5 ( Model runs are carried out for the period March 16 to April 25, 2010, and model data are gridded onto the footprints (latitude, longitude, UT time of day) of the three satellite instruments SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT, MIPAS/ENVISAT and SOFIE/AIM. Model experiments are carried out using different ionization rate data sets: AIMOS, APEEP, and OULU, as well as a number of sensitivity experiments based on AIMOS data: without auroral electron precipitation (AIMOS_sens1), without medium energy electron precipitation (AIMOS_sens2), without photoionization (AIMOS_sens3), without photoionization and proton ionization (AIMOS_sens4), without upper boundary condition (AIMOS_sens5), without upper boundary condition and proton ionization (AIMOS_sens6). More information, e.g. about naming conventions, is given in description_of_datasets.pdf.
