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On February 22, 2023 at 8:31:27 AM UTC, Gravatar admin:
  • Updated description of Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models from

    Within the project "WEA-Akzeptanz" a model for the propagation of wind turbine noise was developed using the Crank-Nicolson Parabolic Equation method. For the validation of the model, extensive measurement campaigns were carried out, which included the recording of meteorological and acoustic data. Acoustic quantities were measured at several distances to the wind turbine and under various atmospheric conditions. This data set provides ten validation cases and includes the measured and modeled propagation losses as well as the input parameters required for the modeling. The investigated wind turbine is characterized by a hub height of 114 m and a rotor diameter of 93 m. The measured and modeled sound propagation losses were determined between 178 and 535 m as well as between 178 and 845 m distance to the wind turbine. Consequently, no conclusions about the sound emission can be made from published data. The input parameters for the model were derived from the measurements. The ten validation cases particularly differ in the sound propagation direction. For the propagation in the upwind direction, atmospheric turbulence was taken into account. For further information, it is referred to "Könecke, S., Hörmeyer, J., Bohne, T. and Rolfes, R. (2021): A new base of wind turbine noise measurement data and its application for the systematic validation of sound propagation models. Submitted to Wind Energy Science." Funding: The project WEA-Akzeptanz (FKZ 0324134A) was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
    Within the project "WEA-Akzeptanz" a model for the propagation of wind turbine noise was developed using the Crank-Nicolson Parabolic Equation method. For the validation of the model, extensive measurement campaigns were carried out, which included the recording of meteorological and acoustic data. Acoustic quantities were measured at several distances to the wind turbine and under various atmospheric conditions. This data set provides ten validation cases and includes the measured and modeled propagation losses as well as the input parameters required for the modeling. The investigated wind turbine is characterized by a hub height of 119 m and a rotor diameter of 114 m. The measured and modeled sound propagation losses were determined between 178 and 535 m as well as between 178 and 845 m distance to the wind turbine. Consequently, no conclusions about the sound emission can be made from published data. The input parameters for the model were derived from the measurements. The ten validation cases particularly differ in the sound propagation direction. For further information, it is referred to "Könecke, S., Hörmeyer, J., Bohne, T. and Rolfes, R. (2021): A new base of wind turbine noise measurement data and its application for the systematic validation of sound propagation models. Submitted to Wind Energy Science." Funding: The project WEA-Akzeptanz (FKZ 0324134A) was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

  • Changed value of field source_metadata_modified to 2023-01-30T12:06:19.098064 in Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models

  • Uploaded a new file to resource Case4.mat in Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models

  • Uploaded a new file to resource Case3.mat in Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models

  • Uploaded a new file to resource Case1.mat in Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models

  • Uploaded a new file to resource Case8.mat in Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models

  • Uploaded a new file to resource Case2.mat in Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models

  • Uploaded a new file to resource Case6.mat in Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models

  • Uploaded a new file to resource Case5.mat in Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models

  • Uploaded a new file to resource Case7.mat in Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models

  • Uploaded a new file to resource Case9.mat in Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models

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