Density and stable oxygen isotope profiles of four snow pits from Berkner Island, Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica

The ice cap on Berkner Island is grounded on bedrock within the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf and is, therefore, expected to be a well-suited place to retrieve long-term ice-core records reflecting the environmental situation of the Weddell Sea region. Shallow firn cores were drilled to 11 m at the two main summits of Berkner Island and analysed in high depth resolution for electrical d.c. conductivity (ECM), stable isotopes, chloride, sulphate, nitrate and methane-sulphonate (MSA). From the annual layering of dD and non-sea-salt (nss) sulphate, a mean annual snow accumulation of 26.6 cm water at the north dome and 17.4 cm water at the south dome are obtained. As a result of ineffective wind scouring indicated by a relatively low near-surface snow density, regular annual cycles are found for all species at least in the upper 4-5 m. Post depositional changes are responsible for a substantial decrease of the seasonal dD and nitrate amplitude as well as for considerable migration of the MSA signal operating below a depth of 3-4 m. The mean chemical and isotopic firn properties at the south dome correspond to the situation on the Filchner-Ronne Ice shelf at a comparable distance to the coast, whereas the north dome is found to be more influenced by maritime air masses. Persistent high sea-salt levels in winter snow at Berkner Island heavily obscure the determination of nss sulphate probably due to sulphate fractionation in the Antartic sea-salt aerosols. Estimated time-scales predict ages at 400 m depth to be ca. 2000 years for the north and ca. 3000 years for the south dome. Pleistocene ice is expected in the bottom 200 and 300 m, respectively.

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Wagenbach, Dietmar, Graf, Wolfgang, Minikin, Andreas, Trefzer, Ulrich, Kipfstuhl, Sepp, Oerter, Hans, Blindow, Norbert (1994). Dataset: Density and stable oxygen isotope profiles of four snow pits from Berkner Island, Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica.

DOI retrieved: 1994

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Wagenbach, Dietmar
Given Name Dietmar
Family Name Wagenbach
More Authors
Graf, Wolfgang
Minikin, Andreas
Trefzer, Ulrich
Kipfstuhl, Sepp
Oerter, Hans
Blindow, Norbert
Source Creation 1994
Publication Year 1994
Resource Type application/zip - filename: wagenbach-etal_1994
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Reconnaissance of chemical and isotopic firn properties on top of Berkner Island, Antarctica
Identifier: hdl:10013/epic.15271.d001
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1994
Source: Annals of Glaciology
Authors: Wagenbach Dietmar , Graf Wolfgang , Minikin Andreas , Trefzer Ulrich , Kipfstuhl Sepp , Oerter Hans , Blindow Norbert .