GISP2 Beryllium10 concentration, 719-2253 m

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Finkel, R C, Nishiizumi, Kunihiko (1999). Dataset: GISP2 Beryllium10 concentration, 719-2253 m.

DOI retrieved: 1999

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Finkel, R C
Given Name R C
Family Name Finkel
More Authors
Nishiizumi, Kunihiko
Source Creation 1999
Publication Year 1999
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: GISP2_ber10
Subject Areas
Name: Cryosphere

Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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Source: Journal of Glaciology
Authors: Alley Richard B , Finkel R C , Nishiizumi Kunihiko , Anandakrishnan Sridhar , Shuman Christopher A , Mershon G R , Zielinski G A , Mayewski Paul Andrew , Davis John C , Proctor I D , Southon John R , Caffee Marc W , Heikkinen D W , Roberts Mark L , Moore T L , Turteltaub K W , Nelson D Erle , Loyd D H , Vogel John S , Finkel R C , Nishiizumi Kunihiko , GRIP/GISP .

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Authors: Alley Richard B , Finkel R C , Nishiizumi Kunihiko , Anandakrishnan Sridhar , Shuman Christopher A , Mershon G R , Zielinski G A , Mayewski Paul Andrew , Davis John C , Proctor I D , Southon John R , Caffee Marc W , Heikkinen D W , Roberts Mark L , Moore T L , Turteltaub K W , Nelson D Erle , Loyd D H , Vogel John S , Finkel R C , Nishiizumi Kunihiko , GRIP/GISP .

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Authors: Alley Richard B , Finkel R C , Nishiizumi Kunihiko , Anandakrishnan Sridhar , Shuman Christopher A , Mershon G R , Zielinski G A , Mayewski Paul Andrew , Davis John C , Proctor I D , Southon John R , Caffee Marc W , Heikkinen D W , Roberts Mark L , Moore T L , Turteltaub K W , Nelson D Erle , Loyd D H , Vogel John S , Finkel R C , Nishiizumi Kunihiko , GRIP/GISP .

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Authors: Alley Richard B , Finkel R C , Nishiizumi Kunihiko , Anandakrishnan Sridhar , Shuman Christopher A , Mershon G R , Zielinski G A , Mayewski Paul Andrew , Davis John C , Proctor I D , Southon John R , Caffee Marc W , Heikkinen D W , Roberts Mark L , Moore T L , Turteltaub K W , Nelson D Erle , Loyd D H , Vogel John S , Finkel R C , Nishiizumi Kunihiko , GRIP/GISP .