High-resolution stratigraphic framework for Mediterranean sapropel S5

A high-resolution stratigraphic framework is presented for sapropel S5, which represents the low-mid latitude climate optimum of the previous interglacial period (Eemian). The framework is based on three sites along a transect from west to east through the eastern Mediterranean, and is further validated using a fourth site. This method allows expression of S5-based proxy records of Eemian climate variability along a standardised depth scale that offers unprecedented possibilities for assessment of spatial gradients and signal leads and lags in an interval where highresolution (radiocarbon-style) dating cannot be performed. Our lateral comparison of S5 sapropels suggests that the onset of S5 in ODP site 967C (Eratosthenes seamount) was 1-6 centuries delayed relative to the onsets in more westerly sites.

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Cane, Tim, Rohling, Eelco J, Kemp, Alan E S, Cooke, Steve, Pearce, Richard B (2002). Dataset: High-resolution stratigraphic framework for Mediterranean sapropel S5. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.704574

DOI retrieved: 2002

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.704574
Author Cane, Tim
Given Name Tim
Family Name Cane
More Authors
Rohling, Eelco J
Kemp, Alan E S
Cooke, Steve
Pearce, Richard B
Source Creation 2002
Publication Year 2002
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Cane_2002
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
Title: High-resolution stratigraphic framework for Mediterranean sapropel S5: defining temporal relationships between records of Eemian climate variability
Identifier: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0031-0182(01)00461-8
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2002
Source: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Authors: Cane Tim , Rohling Eelco J , Kemp Alan E S , Cooke Steve , Pearce Richard B .