Sulfur isotope composition of pore fluids at ODP Sites 128-798 and 128-799

Micro-crystalline barites recovered by deep-sea drilling from Site 684 on the Peru margin and Site 799 in the Japan Sea are highly enriched in the heavy sulfur isotope relative to seawater ( d34S up to +84‰). This isotopic composition is consistent with remobilization of biogenic barite triggered by sulfate reduction, and subsequent reprecipitation as a diagenetic barite front. The high levels of barium sulfate in these deposits (10-50%) cannot be explained by a diffusive transport model in sediments experiencing a constant rate of sedimentation. When sedimentation rates change radically, the barite front will remain at a given depth interval leading to large accumulations of barium sulfate. Such conditions may have generated the barite deposits at Site 799. At Site 684, on the other hand, there is evidence that the barite deposits are a result of the tectonically-driven advection of sulfate-bearing fluids through the sediment column.

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Torres, Marta E, Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen, Bohrmann, Gerhard, Emeis, Kay-Christian (1996). Dataset: Sulfur isotope composition of pore fluids at ODP Sites 128-798 and 128-799.

DOI retrieved: 1996

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Torres, Marta E
Given Name Marta E
Family Name Torres
More Authors
Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen
Bohrmann, Gerhard
Emeis, Kay-Christian
Source Creation 1996
Publication Year 1996
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Torres-1996
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Barite fronts in continental margin sediments: A new look at barium remobilization in the zone of sulfate reduction and formation of heavy barites in diagenetic fronts
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1996
Source: Chemical Geology
Authors: Torres Marta E , Brumsack Hans-Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Emeis Kay-Christian .