Age determination of sediments from Pechora basin, Arctic Russia

The Vastiansky Kon' is the largest exposure of Quaternary deposits in the Pechora lowland, northern Russia. Morphologically the site belongs to the so-called Markhida Moraine; a complex, east-west trending zone of ice-marginal landforms deposited by the Kara Sea Ice Sheet during the last glaciation. The site exhibits a succession of sediments more than 100 m thick that, according to previous studies, covers the interval from the end of the Elsterian to the beginning of the Holocene. Unfortunately both the strong glaciotectonic deformation of the sedimentary succession and few absolute dates have made the chronological interpretation of the section difficult. The present paper reviews previous studies of the site published in Russian, and presents the results of a reinvestigation focusing on the post-Eemian stratigraphy. A marine Eemian clay more than 8 m thick is overlain erosionally by 20 m of fluvial deposits of Late Eemain or Early Weichselian age. The fluvial succession is overlain by a till and a marine clay, which, according to one interpretation, may represent an Early or Middle Weichselian advance of the Kara Ice Sheet followed by a transgression. The clay shows a transition into 15 m of estuarine and fluvial sediments overlain by more than 12 m of tundra-floodplain deposits. The whole succession has been upthrusted glaciotectonically by the last ice advance, which deposited a more than 12 m thick till on top of the section. Based on a number of subtill radiocarbon age-estimates from the site, in the range 25-32 ka BP, the youngest ice advance is considered to be of late Weichselian age, although a Middle Weichselian age cannot be excluded.

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Tveranger, Jan, Astakhov, Valery I, Mangerud, Jan, Svendsen, John Inge (1998). Dataset: Age determination of sediments from Pechora basin, Arctic Russia.

DOI retrieved: 1998

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Tveranger, Jan
Given Name Jan
Family Name Tveranger
More Authors
Astakhov, Valery I
Mangerud, Jan
Svendsen, John Inge
Source Creation 1998
Publication Year 1998
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Tveranger_1998
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Signature of the last shelf-centered glaciation at a key section in the Pechora basin, Arctic Russia
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1998
Source: Journal of Quaternary Science
Authors: Tveranger Jan , Astakhov Valery I , Mangerud Jan , Svendsen John Inge .