Age determination of sediments off western Svalbard

Late Quaternary sediment yields from the Isfjorden drainage area (7327 km2), a high arctic region on Svalbard characterized by an alpine landscape, have been reconstructed by using seismic stratigraphy supported by sediment core analysis. The sediments that accumulated in the fjord during and since deglaciation can be divided into three stratigraphic units. The volumes of these units were determined and converted into sediment yield rates averaged over the drainage basin. During deglaciation, 13 to 10 ka, the sediment yield was ~860 tons(t)/km2/yr. In the early Holocene it decreased to 190 t/km2/yr, and then increased to 390t/km2/yr during the late Holocene Little Ice Age. When normalized to the approximate glacierized area, these rates correspond to a sediment yield of ~800 t/km2/yr . Sediment yield from non-glacierized parts of the drainage is estimated to be 35 t/km2/yr. At times when ice advanced to the shelf edge, sediment was scoured from the fjord and deposited on the outer shelf and in a well-defined deep sea fan. Between 200 ka and 13 ka, 328 km3 of sediment accumulated here, corresponding to a mean sediment yield rate of 335 t/km2/yr. This is broadly consistent with calculations based on the above rates of sediment yield in glacierized and non-glacierized areas, and on estimates, based on glacial geology, of the temporal variation in degree of glacierization over the past 200 kyr. These figures indicate that much of the glacigenic sediment on the shelf and slope was eroded from the uplands of Svalbard by small glaciers during interstadials and interglacials. The sediments were temporarily stored in the fjord prior to redeposition on the shelf and slope during ice sheet advance. Taken into consideration, such redisposition of pre-eroded material will reduce estimates of primary ice sheet erosion rate.

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Elverhoi, Anders, Svendsen, John Inge, Solheim, Anders, Andersen, Espen Sletten, Milliman, John, Mangerud, Jan, Hooke, Roger LeB (1995). Dataset: Age determination of sediments off western Svalbard.

DOI retrieved: 1995

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Elverhoi, Anders
Given Name Anders
Family Name Elverhoi
More Authors
Svendsen, John Inge
Solheim, Anders
Andersen, Espen Sletten
Milliman, John
Mangerud, Jan
Hooke, Roger LeB
Source Creation 1995
Publication Year 1995
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Elverhoi_1995
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Late Quaternary sediment yield from high Arctic Svalbard area
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1995
Source: The Journal of Geology
Authors: Elverhoi Anders , Svendsen John Inge , Solheim Anders , Andersen Espen Sletten , Milliman John , Mangerud Jan , Hooke Roger LeB .

Title: The retreat of the Barents Sea ice sheet on the western Svalbard margin
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1996
Source: Boreas
Authors: Svendsen John Inge , Elverhoi Anders , Mangerud Jan .