Age model and susceptibility of sediment core PS2212-3

Palaeomagnetic investigations of two sediment cores recovered from RV Polarstern near the eastern slope of the Yermak Plateau (sites PS1533 and PS2212) reveal convincing evidence for four polarity events of the Earth's magnetic field during the last 170 Ka. A comprehensive rock magnetic study of the sediments proved that fine-grained magnetite is the principal carrier of the remanent magnetization. No changes in magneto-mineralogy across the polarity transitions in the sediments investigated were found. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, AMS-14C (accelerated mass spectrometry) and oxygen isotope data, and 10Be and 230Th stratigraphies yielded age ranges of 24-29 Ka for the Mono Lake event, 34-43 Ka for the Laschamp event, 72-86 Ka for the Norwegian-Greenland Sea event and 118-128 Ka for the Blake event. Two reverse polarity samples at the base of core PS2212-3 KAL are interpreted as the termination of the Biwa I event (171-181 Ka). the events exhibit full inversion of inclination in both cores. the data suggest that the transition process of the Earth's magnetic field during such polarity events requires some 1 Ka.

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Nowaczyk, Norbert R, Frederichs, Thomas, Eisenhauer, Anton, Gard, Gunilla (1994). Dataset: Age model and susceptibility of sediment core PS2212-3.

DOI retrieved: 1994

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
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Author Nowaczyk, Norbert R
Given Name Norbert R
Family Name Nowaczyk
More Authors
Frederichs, Thomas
Eisenhauer, Anton
Gard, Gunilla
Source Creation 1994
Publication Year 1994
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Nowaczyk_1994
Subject Areas
Name: Geophysics

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Title: Magnetostratigraphic data from late Quaternary sediments from the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean: evidence for four geomagnetic polarity events within the last 170 Ka of the Brunhes Chron
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1994
Source: Geophysical Journal International
Authors: Nowaczyk Norbert R , Frederichs Thomas , Eisenhauer Anton , Gard Gunilla .