Nd- and Sr- isotope ratios of oceanic basalts

143Nd/144Nd ratios have been determined on 37 samples of oceanic basalt, with a typical precision of +/- 2-3 * 10**-5 (2 sigma). Ocean island and dredged and cored submarine basalts are included for which reliable measurements of 87Sr/86Sr ratios exist in the literature or have been measured as part of this study. A strong negative correlation exists between 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in basalts from Iceland and the Reykjanes Ridge, but such a clear correlation does not exist for samples from the Hawaiian Islands. However, when other ocean island basalts from the Atlantic are included there is an overall correlation between these two parameters. Increases and decreases in Rb/Sr in oceanic basalt source regions have in general been accompanied by decreases and increases respectively in Sm/Nd ratios. The compatibility of the data with single-stage models is assessed and it is concluded that enrichment and depletion events, which are consistent with transfer of silicate melts, are responsible for the observed variation.

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O'Nions, R K, Hamilton, P J, Evensen, N M (1977). Dataset: Nd- and Sr- isotope ratios of oceanic basalts. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.721776

DOI retrieved: 1977

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.721776
Author O'Nions, R K
Given Name R K
Family Name O'Nions
More Authors
Hamilton, P J
Evensen, N M
Source Creation 1977
Publication Year 1977
Resource Type application/zip - filename: ONions_1977
Subject Areas
Name: Geophysics

Related Identifiers
Title: Variations in 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in oceanic basalts
Identifier: https://doi.org/10.1016/0012-821X(77)90100-5
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 1977
Source: Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Authors: O'Nions R K , Hamilton P J , Evensen N M .