Speciation of metals in bottom sediments from the south Kara Sea and Ob and Yenisei estuarine zones

Speciation of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Cr, Pb, and Cd was studied in 52 samples of bottom sediments collected during Cruise 49 of the R/V "Dmitry Mendeleev" to the estuaries of the Ob and Yenisei rivers and to the southwest Kara Sea. Immediately after sampling the samples were subjected to on-board consecutive extraction to separate metal species according to their modes of occurrence in the sediments: (1) adsorbed, (2) amorphous Fe-Mn hydroxides and related metals, (3) organic + sulfide, and (4) residual, or lithogenic. Atomic absorption spectroscopy of the extracts was carried out at a stationary laboratory. Distribution of Fe, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Cr, Pb, and Cd species is characterized by predominance of lithogenic or geochemically inert modes (70-95% of bulk contents), in which the metals are bound in terrigenous and clastic mineral particles and organic detritus. About half of total Mn amount and 15-30% of Zn and Cu are contained in geochemically mobile modes. Spatiotemporal variations in proportions of the metal species in the surface layer of sediments along sub-meridional sections and through vertical sections of bottom sediment cores testify that Mn and, to a lesser extent, Cu are the most sensitive to changes in sedimentation environment. The role of their geochemically mobile species notably increases under reducing conditions.

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Demina, Lyudmila L, Levitan, Mikhail A, Politova, Nadezhda V (2006). Dataset: Speciation of metals in bottom sediments from the south Kara Sea and Ob and Yenisei estuarine zones. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.725841

DOI retrieved: 2006

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.725841
Author Demina, Lyudmila L
Given Name Lyudmila L
Family Name Demina
More Authors
Levitan, Mikhail A
Politova, Nadezhda V
Source Creation 2006
Publication Year 2006
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Demina_2006
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Speciation of some heavy metals in bottom sediments of the Ob and Yenisei estuarine zones
Identifier: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0016702906020078
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2006
Source: Geochemistry International
Authors: Demina Lyudmila L , Levitan Mikhail A , Politova Nadezhda V .