Stable isotope record of a Bermuda coral

Records of skeletal delta18O in monthly and Sr/Ca ratios in half-yearly resolution were obtained from a Bermuda coral (Diploria labyrinthiformis) for the time period 1520-1603 (+/-15 yr) AD within the Little Ice Age. Annual and decadal averages of both sea-surface temperature proxies indicate temperature variabilities of 0.5°C (standard deviation) and 0.3°C, respectively. Both numbers are close to recent instrumental observations. Approximately 30% of the interannual time series variance of delta18O is concentrated in broad bands centered at periods of ~30, 16, and 7.8 yr, the last two reflecting the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Although this large-scale climate signal is present in the record, there is no correlation with other contemporaneous northern hemisphere proxy data, resulting from spatial differences in climate variability.

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Kuhnert, Henning, Pätzold, Jürgen, Schnetger, Bernhard, Wefer, Gerold (2002). Dataset: Stable isotope record of a Bermuda coral.

DOI retrieved: 2002

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Kuhnert, Henning
Given Name Henning
Family Name Kuhnert
More Authors
Pätzold, Jürgen
Schnetger, Bernhard
Wefer, Gerold
Source Creation 2002
Publication Year 2002
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Kuhnert_2002
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
Title: Sea-surface temperature variability in the 16th century at Bermuda inferred from coral records
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2002
Source: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Authors: Kuhnert Henning , Pätzold Jürgen , Schnetger Bernhard , Wefer Gerold .